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"Gibanica" or "Gužvara"

    Gibanica is a unique dish characteristic for Serbia. Although similar cheese pies can be found in the region, none is a match to "Gibanica". Anyone who has tried it can describe it only as being finger-licking good! What makes a world of difference is whether it has been prepared under a sač or not. If so, you will never taste a better pie. The most basic variety contains no filling, yet there are others with meat, cheese, charcuterie… The one you will surely find in every bakery is:

"Gibanica" with spinach

Ingredients (6 servings):
■ 500 g spinach
■ 1 kg cow milk cheese
■ 1 kg filo dough
■ 5 eggs ■ 300 ml milk ■ oil ■ salt


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