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There are no rules in Serbia as to what and when to eat, except for one rule – almost no food is eaten without bread. Most bakeries are open 24/7, selling not only various types of bread but also “Pogača” (a distinctive type of bread), crescent rolls, puff pastries, both sweet and savory, as well as different sandwiches. There is also a variety of pies,
called “Burek” in Serbia: "Meat burek", "Cheese burek", "Rhubarb burek", "Pizza burek" and what not. This multitude of pastries and pies is always paired with yoghurt. The highly specialized burek shops are called “Buregdžinice”, but the finest are the ones that make pastry under "Sač". PIE UNDER SAČ – that’s a must try! In bakeries you will come across...
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